Law 4578 of 2018, on the reduction of Social Security contributions and other provisions. Article 36 sets up the boards of Social Welfare Centres in Regions. Article 34 creates permanent...
Royal Decree of 1947, establishing the Eranos, or Charity Drive “Welfare for the Northern Provinces of Greece”, under the High Authority of Her Majesty, the Queen.
Explanatory Memorandum on Law Law 3106 of 2003, on Restructuring of the National System of Social Care and Other Provisions, addressed to the Hellenic Parliament.
Law Decree 572, removing all welfare services from the auspices of the Greek Royal Family and placing them under a united National Welfare Organisation.
Study by the Roots Research Center NGO, mapping existing closed institutions for the protection of children, including their number, their needs, as well as the number of children who live...