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Help us build The Manifold Files

We do in-depth journalism in the public interest. We publish long-form investigative and explanatory stories in a number of outlets in Greece and other countries. We have also created The Manifold Files, a website which we hope will host a series of “Files”, publications that function both as readable archives and investigative monitors. You can find out more about us in our What we do page.

We have created two Files to date – one on child protection and one on police accountability.

We want to keep monitoring these issues and keep adding stories to the Files, but we also have more Files we want to publish. And we need your help to do it.

We believe that our kind of slow journalism — painstakingly researched, rigorously contextualised, and constantly open to unrestricted reconsideration — is more than worth the effort. We do not claim it is the answer to all the problems journalism is facing, for journalism can be and evolve into many things. We do believe, however, it is one pretty good answer to the wide demand for reliable coverage of critical issues that are undermined or even misrepresented within the confines of the daily news cycle.

The Manifold Files will never go behind a paywall, and our journalism will always be free for everyone. However, projects such as ours, which are long-term and open-ended, cannot rely solely on the occasional grants available for independent journalism. We certainly compete for those, when they come up, but they are hardly enough to sustain our work with even a modicum of stability. And the fees paid to us when we freelance for other media are likewise too low for our reporters to commit to difficult projects in the way we envision.

So, we turn to you, the engaged reader and active citizen. We need you to make this work possible.

There are two ways to join The Manifold Files Community: You can subscribe for a monthly contribution with any amount you choose. Even though the amount may be small, it will be regular, and this helps enormously to offer the people working at The Manifold Files a sense of security, and encourage them to do more. Alternatively, you can opt for a one time donation.

The Manifold Files is a strictly non-profit project, run by The Manifold Non-Profit Civil Partnership. Your contributions go exclusively towards fair remuneration for the work of our reporters, editors, designers and developers, as well as maintenance costs.

We are sorry, but we have no perks to offer — except the opportunity to support independent, committed reporting, and to participate in a discussion with us and other like-minded people, who believe in the value of public interest journalism. 

With our deepest thanks,

Mariniki, Yiannis, Yannis-Orestis, Danai, Mihalis, Eliza, Fhevos, Achilleas, and Augustine — aka The Manifold